Associated Regions


Sweden, Östergötland

Local Authority

Name: County Board Administration

Website: Östergötland | Länsstyrelsen Östergötland

Contact information of site  coordinator:

Sister site: March floodplains in Austria/Slovakia

Site description

At Vikbolandet, Östergötland, there are several interesting alluvial watercourses flowing into the baltic sea. some of these are strongly affected by physical alterations and canalization, having lost contact with their original floodplains, while some have a relatively natural character and a high conservational value. Because of the canalizations, the rivers cannot flood meadows. The recipient, Svensksundsviken, is a shallow bay and an ecologically important area, not least for resting migrating birds and predatory fish. All these waters suffer from eutrophication. The area is well visited and used for grazing cattle.


Svensksundsviken and Ållånefjärden are both RAMSAR sites and Svensksundsviken is also a Natura 2000-area with shallow bays and coastal meadows as the most important nature types. Pike and perch are important fish species. Ducks and waders are common birds in the area.

Facts & Figures

3 watercourses included in the project

2 Ramsar sites

1200 meters of waterways to be restored

48 bird species according to EU directive of wild birds


The largest challenge for wetland restoration is the fact that the March River forms the border between Austria and Slovakia. Area losses due to re-connection of meanders in one country have to be compensated by area gains in the other country. Thus, large scale restoration actions can only be implemented based on bilateral concepts and mutual agreements of the various stakeholders and decision makers in both countries.
Further challenges are:

ꕥ The protection status of present rare plant and animal species (no deterioration expected by the restoration)

ꕥ Invasive species

ꕥ The decreasing water levels during the last decade due to climate change and riverbed incision.
Associated region - Sweden


Sweden, Östergötland


1,2 km of affected waterways are to be restored. Affected area will be approximately 20 hectares.

This shallow bay and its meadows is one of the most important sites for migrating birds in the south of Sweden as well as a beloved spot for recreation.

Existing projects

ꕥ Life Coast Benefit 2013-2019
ꕥ Large limestone filer bed in place in Vadsbäcken since 2020

Restore4life implementation plans

Removal of canalization and bank regulation
Restore natural riverbend and re-meander the canals
Remove invasive species
Nature-based solutions
ꕥ Reviewing existing reports
ꕥ Workshops with stakeholders

Involvement of the community

There are several land owners and cattle keepers that use the area for grazing and we want to make sure that can continue, benefitting both these interests and the biodiversity. Restoration will improve conditions for birds and bird watching id big in this area. We want to include these organizations and use their local knowledge. 

Expected Impact


ꕥ River dynamics improvement 
ꕥ Improve water circulation ꕥ Restore biodiversity
ꕥ Citizens involvement
ꕥ Monitoring

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