Associated Regions
Paisagem Protegida Regional das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d’Arcos
Portugal, Paisagem Protegida Regional das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d’Arcos
Local Authority
Município de Ponte de Lima – Paisagem Protegida Regional das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d’Arcos
Contact information of site coordinator:
Francisco Correia,
Sister site:
Rudava, Slovakia
Vlasina, Serbia

Site description
Regional Protected landscape is located in the North West of Portugal, in the Temperate Biogeographical region, along the floodplain of Estorãos river, a tributary of the Lima River. It is integrated in the Natura 2000 site and in the Ramsar site”
The area is composed by a mosaic of wetlands (e.g. swamp forests, marshes, ponds) along the floodplain of Estorãos river a tributary of the Lima river. The Estorãos river basin has an area of 5400 ha.
This area plays an important role in draining rainwater and maintaining the region’s aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Mixed Forests of Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior; Aluvial Forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior; Hygrophyle Tall Herbal Communities of the Basement edge and the Mountain and Alpine Floors; Prairies with Molinia on Limestone, Peatty and Clauous Soils.
Important Species (Fauna and flora):
Lutra lutra, Caprimulgus europaens, Ardea alba, Hyla meridionalis, Rana iberica, Alcedo atthis, Chioglossa lusitanica, Lacerta schreiberi. Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus excelsior, Salix atrocinerea, Quercus robur, Carex vesicarium, Litrun salicaria, Osmunda regalis,
Facts & Figures

7 priority habitats

508 plant species

13 species of amphibians

144 bird species

Portugal, Paisagem Protegida Regional das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d’Arcos;
41.76469N, -8.64255W
30 ha Restored area
346 ha Affected area
The Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d’arcos protected landscape environmental value, nationally and internationally recognized, was the starting point for the launch of a major nature conservation, social construction, rural and territorial development project, which was born from the possibilities of a singular area, but also from the vision and collective effort of several agents, in their close relationship with the population and local owners.
Existing projects
ꕥ The MERLIN (Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: Innovation, upscaling and transformation) research and innovation project is funded under the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It is the result of a collaboration between 45 European partners. Through engagement with 17 restoration projects located across Europe, MERLIN will create “blue footprints” for the successful restoration of freshwater systems.
This project embraces the full potential of “nature-based solutions” in the restoration of freshwater ecosystems, using natural processes to address socio-environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and flooding.
ꕥ The LIFE FLUVIAL project aimed at the “Recovery and sustainable management of river corridors in the Iberian Atlantic region” (approximately 30 hectares of the protected landscape) and its partners were eight entities, including universities, public bodies, public companies and non-profit entities from Portugal and Spain, being led by the University of Oviedo and coordinated in Portugal by the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (University of Lisbon).
Restore4life implementation plans
ꕥ Removal of invasive species
ꕥ Restoration of riparian areas and biodiversity
ꕥ Restoring/improving water circulation and connectivity of secondary channels, dead arms and lakes at low water levels
ꕥ Monitoring of existing / previous actions
ꕥ Nature based solutions in rivers and floodplains
ꕥ Citizen involvement
Involvement of the community
ꕥ Educational visits for young people and adults
ꕥ Involvement of local owners
ꕥ Volunteering in various project activities
ꕥ Workshops open to the general public
Expected Impact
Environmental education, bio-engineering (NbS), habitat restoration leading to the preservation of target species and maintenance of biodiversity, increase in environmental tourism, boosting the local economy, contribution to sustainable development objectives, increase in the area of priority habitats.